Financial Health for Widows

Financial Health for Widows

Adventure is not a word I would ever have dreamed would be part of my vocabulary. I spent my childhood and most of my adult

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As promised, I am writing to you from ‘The Eternal City’ Rome, Italy. A few years ago, I was blessed with a dear

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The powerfully healing words ‘connect’ and ‘connection’ have been on my mind (and heart) since arriving in Sedona,

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In 2015, I wrote a blog about choosing to be happy in the midst of my grief.

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Stethoscope in top of money

I have a 16 year-old client right now I’m representing. His father passed away two years ago, leaving my client as the

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I had lunch today with a widowed friend who told me she had spent a good part of her Christmas holiday planning for 2014.

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It was early September 2011, eight months after my husband passed away, and I was laid low by a gripping bout of grief. You

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Did you know that the only way to formally designate who will raise your children after you pass away is by designating it

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