It began with one woman with a revolutionary idea: Without widow advocates, widows wouldn’t be served. Modern Widows Club is the embodiment of this vision — it is where widows go. We are grateful you have found us!
I started with zero funds, and only a willingness to help lessen someone’s suffering.— Carolyn Moor, MWC Founder
Carolyn is an award-winning interior designer, interfaith minister, TEDx speaker, author and consultant. She has participated in the UN Commission on the Status of Women, the Global Leadership Network. She has been featured as a model of resilience in the Wall Street Journal, the Oprah Winfrey Show and numerous other media broadcasts. Her work on behalf of widows is recognized nationally and internationally.
Carolyn is the host of the Healthy Widow Healthy Woman Podcast and curriculum creator at the Widow Empowerment School of Thought (WESOT). She is honored to represent widows around the world—her latest interview with the WOW Factor Leadership Podcast shares more of her story.
New Book from MWC Founder & Author Carolyn Moor
Inspire Connect Lead: Empowering Your Mentoring and Leadership Gifts will enable you to become inspired to connect and lead widows with your natural gifts. Activating the power between you and your mentee requires gifts of your time, availability, communication, integrity, understanding, listening, emotional support, knowing limitations, humbleness, humor, knowledge, positive words, feedback, practical support, action and leadership.
Find Inspire, Connect, Lead on Amazon Smile. Please choose Modern Widows Club as your charity of choice and Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to MWC.
Carolyn has limited engagement opportunities annually. If you’re interested in featuring Carolyn as a guest speaker fill out our Media and Speaker Request form.
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